What is the difference between sterling silver and silver plated earrings?

Wondering what the difference is between sterling silver earrings and silver plated earrings?

The main difference is that sterling silver earrings are made up of 92.5% pure silver whereas silver plated earrings are made up of a base metal alloy (usually brass or copper), plated with a thin layer of silver.

Both options look the same but sterling silver is more expensive than the other due to the quality, durability and comfort of the metal.

Sensitive Ears

Some people find that the base metals in silver plated earrings irritate their ears, whereas sterling silver is much more suitable for sensitive ears.

There are rare cases where people are allergic to silver, in which case they should choose neither option and instead go for earrings made of different metal, such as unplated stainless steel or brass.


The durability of both metals depends on how well they are cared for (read here to discover which S's you should avoid!) but generally sterling silver has a much longer life span.

In most cases, the silver coating on silver plated earrings will wear off over time, exposing the bass metal underneath. This process cannot be reversed, so the better cared for the earrings are, the longer they will last.

Sterling silver may tarnish over time, but can be buffed with a polishing cloth to restore its original luster. Therefore sterling silver earrings have a much longer life span than silver plated earrings.

Which should I choose?

If you have never had any issues with your ears being sensitive to cheaper metals then there is no reason not to go for silver plated earrings when it comes to fashion and costume jewellery.

The only downside from this point of view is that they will eventually discolour from the bright silver they are when they are brand new. So if you want your earrings to look as good as new for longer, and you don't mind paying a slightly higher price (I offer upgrades for only £3), then go for the sterling silver option!

If you have sensitive ears then trying out sterling silver earrings would be a good choice for you.

If you aren't able to pay the slightly higher price for sterling silver, a hypoallergenic stainless steel earring is also a good option for people with sensitive ears!