Store Policies

Processing time

The time I need to prepare an order is currently 1-3 working days or less.


If you would like to cancel or make any changes to your order then you must get in contact within 24 hours of purchase.


If the shipping address you have entered is incorrect then you must let me know before the order has been dispatched. If you do not inform me of this before dispatch then I am not responsible for replacing or refunding items that have been sent to the wrong address.

If your item does not arrive due to getting lost in the post then we can resolve this by either agreeing on a replacement or a refund if you would still like the item.

Customs and import taxes

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.

returns and exchanges

I accept returns and exchanges of items under certain terms and conditions.

For hygiene reasons, earrings can only be returned if you get in contact as soon as your order has arrived to ensure they have not been worn. If you wish to return them because you are unhappy with the item for any reason then you are responsible for any return postage costs.

For items such as keyrings, coasters and necklaces, you have up to 7 days to let me know that you’d like to return or exchange. The same terms regarding postage costs also apply.

If you would like to return, exchange or replace your item because it has been damaged in transit or you believe it is faulty then please do get in contact with photographic proof of the damage and (or) fault. For returns in this case, I will pay for the return postage or the sending out of a replacement free of charge can be arranged.

Refunds are processed once the item has been returned to me.